I'm Just Sayin'

"Mister Harper, give me back my national daycare program, and I'll give you back your nose! Fucker!"
God, I love that picture. I have it taped on my locker at work. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Why is it my daughter can say she's full, "I'm soooo fuuuulllll" when she's eating something that's good for her, yet five minutes later she's "sssssooooo huuuunnngggrrryyy" when the chips, popcorn, or cookies come out?
OK, dumb question.
So, I pack the dishwasher like clowns pack their magic trunks - throw everything in, then shut the door fast and brace with two feet so nothing gets out. That's apparently the WRONG way. My husband packs the dishwasher like we're eating off Queen Elizabeth's Limoges, with maybe three things in there. That's apparently the RIGHT way. So why do my dishes come out clean, and his come out dirty?
How do pharmaceutical companies manage to make a gazillion dollars a year, when the side effects of their products often sound way worse than what you're taking them for in the first place. I mean seriously, a side effect like "bloody diarrhea?" What do you have that's so bad that you need to risk having that side effect? Ewwww!
If Tom and Katie had birthed a boy, would they have named him Elron?
George Dubya is now being described, in some circles, as the worst president of the last 100 years. I'm racking my brain to think of who was president back in the 1800's. I'd hate to be the guy who comes in as worse than Bush. Scary thought.
That's it. I'm out.