Sunday, April 02, 2006

Sunday, Sunny Sunday

Wow, what a great day here. It's so nice to have a sunny Sunday every once in awhile.

Where I live, it rains. A lot. A whole lot.

Not that I did much in the sunshine. I have a whole front yard full of last year's bamboo that has to be hauled to the dump. I sat in my living room and looked out at it, and thought about maybe doing something about it. That's about it.

We call the bamboo area Fangorn Forest - after the ancient forest in Middle Earth that eats things. I'm sure small animals get lost in our bamboo every summer. Come to think of it, the neighbour's 4 year old hasn't been around in awhile. Hmmm ...

Maybe I could start a small bamboo business. Build rafts for people. Or decorative art. If they can pay a million dollars for a picture of a blue line with a red circle in it and hang it in the National Gallery, I can duct tape a few pieces of bamboo together and call it art. And charge an arm and a leg for it.

My kid is currently in the backyard playing with her grandmother. I'm trying to decide when a good time would be to start the bedtime machine going. With the time change, it's really only 6pm, and it seems cruel to call her in.

Screw it, life sucks sometimes. She'll have to get used to it.


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