Saturday, January 27, 2007

It's a beautiful day in my neighbourhood

Well, well, well. What is that bright glowing orb in the sky? A meteorite? A crashing UFO? Britney Spears' career burning to the ground? Nope, it is, in fact, the sun.

There will be thousands of collective "hip, hip, hooray!" 's coming from my good-sized burg today. After weeks of rain, and wind, and snow, and ice, we have managed somehow to string two sunny days together. Not sure what planets are aligned, or who kissed who's existential butt to make this happen, but really, who the fuck cares? Let's enjoy it while we can!

I, on the other hand, am one of the rare people who really should live in the climate where I do, where we have two seasons - rainy, and damp. I love it when it's cold and soggy and wet and foggy. It's just so moody. Besides, it makes it really easy to snuggle down and nap during the day, which I have to do thanks to the unholy hours I work.

Apparently the sun is here to stay for the week. That's OK, but I prefer the clouds and rain. Besides, now I have to hunt up my batman mask to nap.


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