One of these things is not like the other one ...

Ok, here's my first rant. Stephen Harper had to get up Thursday morning, root through his garment bag - which he may or may not have packed himself - chosen this outfit, put it on, looked in a mirror, thought "damn, I look GREAT!" , and then went outside. In public. In front of TV cameras.
Jesus Christ, this is the leader of our country.
The "Globe and Mail" described him as looking like the next Canadian Tire guy. I think that's pretty polite, considering.
I think MY best line of Friday morning was "we elected him Prime Minister, now we may want to nominate him for What Not To Wear."
Another thing. He has a whole ENTOURAGE of people with him. Are they all blind? Were they all hung over on Mexican margaritas? Did NO ONE think to say anything to the man?
Clearly his wife wasn't with him. I wouldn't let my husband leave the BEDROOM with that get-up on, much less the house.
Thank God he looked better at a news conference on Friday. I was ready to grab an image consultant and go down there myself. An emergency style intervention in Cancun - it would have been a chore, but I would have done it for the good of my country. I'm such a patriot. Sniff.
This is the same man who shook his childrens' hands, is it not? A little fashion sense gone horribly awry should not be a surprise.
Welcome to the blogosphere, btw!
I'm already enjoying it!
Not even going to comment on the attire of Mr Harper. Bleh.
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