Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Fa La La La Cough, La Sneeze Wheeze Achoo!

So, I go on vacation for 10 days and all I have to show for it is this lousy cold. Sniff. Hopefully it's gone in time for Christmas and the 15 lb turkey I'm cooking for 12.

This is post number 36 for me. Refinnej just topped 500. I'm feeling a little inadequate. And I have post envy.

Almost done Christmas shopping. Which is good, because it's a fucking nuthouse out there. Just need stocking stuffers and a toaster for the hubby - yes, a toaster, in which I'm putting his concert tix for Eric Clapton - and a loft bed for K. That and the groceries for Christmas eve, Christmas breakfast, and Christmas dinner. REALLY looking forward to grocery shopping on Friday. Joy to the world, now get out of my fucking way. And put those carrots down, bitch.

And, because it is all about me, 3 Things - with shouts out to Refinnej and Betty.

Three things that scare me: losing track of my kid, bees, a room full of Sparks
Three people who make me laugh: my husband (in a good way), my kid, Jon Stewart
Three things I love: my life, my family, my car
Three things I hate: raisins, Mondays, intolerance
Three things I don't understand: football, organized religion, physics
Three things on my desk: my Christmas coffee cup, hand moisturizer, kleenex
Three things I'm doing right now: answering this thing, pretending to work, trying to stay awake
Three things I want to do before I die: watch my daughter get married, see the world, feel good about my body
Three things I can do: wiggle my ears, sing in tune, compose a sentence
Three things you should listen to: Your gut, your personal truth, your children
Three things you should never listen to: bigots, racists, the internet
Three things I'd like to learn: piano, guitar, patience
Three favorite foods: pasta, bread, chicken
Three beverages I drink regularly: water, tea, white wine
Three TV shows I watched as a kid: Looney Tunes, Bewitched, Gilligan's Island


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