Monday, July 17, 2006

Yes, I am a rock star!

Isn't it bizarre how the littlest thing can make you so happy? I got total fucking ROCK STAR parking twice this weekend! Once at the movie theatre on Saturday night for "Pirates of the Carribean," and once at Costco Sunday morning. It was the zen parking experience, I have to say. It's also kind of sad how excited I am about this, but hey. Little things, etc etc.

Traffic court - well, don't get me started. I've already vented about this to anyone who will listen. I'm sure some people are now hoping I'm arrested because that will finally shut me up. The condensed version - the cop didn't show up, the case was dismissed, I was royally pissed off, I complained to the RCMP, they followed up with me and were appropriately humble, the officer involved (who apparently FORGOT about the court appearace ... yah, whatever, I call bullshit) now has a note in his file, and I am mollified. Somewhat.

Also had a good lesson in how NOT to run a kid's birthday party this weekend. Totally unorganized, and the little birthday girl was quite the brat, actually. As she was opening her presents, she'd just rip the paper off, take a disinterested look at the gift for a nanosecond, then toss it to her mother and tear into the next one. Watching the gifts being opened is K's very favourite part of the party - other than the lootbags, of course. My heart was breaking for all those little girls - my own included - who spent more than a nanosecond picking it out. At K's party this year I am determined to make sure every gift-giver feels appreciated for the time and effort it took to bring a gift. It's just common courtesy, after all - something the entire planet seems to be sorely lacking these days.


Blogger Refinnej said...

ITA about the gift thing. Our two know damn well they read the card, then open, check out the gift, AND say thank you. Immediately.

And Yay for Rockstar parking! LOL

12:01 p.m.  

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