Thursday, July 13, 2006

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

So, I have to go to traffic court today. How white trash does that sound? No, not for something I did - they haven't caught me yet. For something I saw last summer. A girl doing Mach-10 on a rainy highway rolled her car right in front of me and my daughter. I stayed behind like a good citizen to give the cop my statement - and this is how I'm rewarded. I have to testify at the stupid girl's hearing. They have you dead to rights, sweetheart. How 'bout you do us all a favour and plead guilty? That way I can go home and have a nap. It's all about me, after all.

I do, however, have to take a big chunk out of my car insurance thanks to a run-in I had with a log on the girls' Weekend Of Debauchery. Scraped my car up but good. Luckily I'm a good little driver - see above - and have an exemplary insurance rating. The repairs will cost me $200 for the deductible, then an $80 increase in my coverage for the year, but then it starts going down again as I build my rating back up. So it'll probably cost me about $500 all told, still totally worth it for what will likely amount to a repair job that's worth at least $1500. Fucking car companies. Long gone are the days you could pound out a dent and repaint it yourself.

And, against my better judgement, I will become a Girl Guide leader this fall. Crazy, you say? Possibly. I'm getting K involved in Sparks (pre-Brownies), and they desperately need leaders, so I foolishly put up my hand. Let's see - full-time job that has me working atrocious hours, a consulting business, a husband, a daughter who's starting kindergarten, and joining the school's Parent Advisory Council. I'll be lucky to have enough time in the day to pee. What's wrong with me??


Blogger Betty said...

Wow, you're becoming quite the little joiner, aren't you? ;)

I really enjoyed brownies & I'm sure you'll have some fun...when you're not tearing your hear out, Brown Owl!

8:55 p.m.  
Blogger Refinnej said...

Heh. Welcome to my life.


10:54 p.m.  

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